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4.83 from 325 Reviews

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SolarReviews Expert Rating Score:

A score we give a solar company out of 100 based on 0 criteria that our SolarReviews industry experts believe are the best criteria to separate good and bad solar companies.


Expert review

As one of the largest consumer electronics brands in the world, Panasonic needs little introduction. They got into the solar space by acquiring the Sanyo solar cell and module manufacturing business when they acquired the entire Sanyo company. Sanyo had pioneered Heterojunction cell technology. Heterojunction cells are monocrystalline solar cells sandwiched in between layers of thin-film solar cells, made from materials that can absorb light not used by the monocrystalline cells. The combination of these cells allows them to produce highly efficient modules, with efficiencies as high as 21.7% for their most efficient residential solar model.

Their dealer network is very similar to LG's, in that anyone can buy Panasonic solar panels from a wholesaler and resell them to consumers. Having said this, there are some very good solar panel installation companies that sell Panasonic systems. Panasonic doesn't currently rebadge other companies’ solar inverters as their own, as SunPower does with Enphase inverters, to offer complete systems under one branding. However, Panasonic does have an EverVolt solar battery and home energy storage solution that has some interesting benefits over a Tesla Powerwall.

The biggest issue we have with recommending Panasonic solar panels is that the company announced in 2020 that it is intending to discontinue manufacturing of its own solar panels. According to the company, they will still sell Panasonic solar panels but they will outsource the manufacturing. A lack of transparency about who will be doing the manufacturing in the future lowers our overall score of this brand despite them having very good panels and an impressive global brand.

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About Panasonic

Panasonic knows just how important your home is.

That's why we develop technologies that make your home safer, more comfortable, more convenient and more connected. Now we're making it easier than ever to power your home with clean, renewable energy.

You'll contribute to a greener, more sustainable future while reducing your family's energy costs. An Industry-leading 25-year product workmanship and performance warranty is backed by a century-old company.

Panasonic guarantees that your HIT(R) panel will provide 90.76% power output after 25 years. That's 13% more guaranteed power than what's offered by a traditional solar panel warranty. Your investment in clean energy is safe for decades to come.

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New Jersey - Newark

Two Riverfront Plaza, Newark NJ, 07102

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Head Office
Two Riverfront Plaza, Newark NJ, 07102